Something I Want to Share…

Hey City Church, 

There is something I want to share with you that I’ve been praying a lot about. We are in the middle of an election season, and we are blessed to live in a country where we are given a voice and a vote. As Christ followers, we want what God thinks on these issues to inform both our voice and our vote.  City Church would never tell you how to vote or which party to support, but we do encourage you to pray, be informed on important issues, and vote!

First, we want to encourage you to register to vote ( OR check that your voter information is up-to-date. The deadline to do so in the state of Tennessee is next week on Monday, October 7.  

Second, this past Sunday night, a group at our church gathered and prayed for:

  • Revival in the church

  • Transformation of society

  • Renewal in our government

  • God’s will to be done in the election

 This was truly a special time together!

Lastly, I strongly feel that the church should be one of the safest places to have the hardest conversations as we navigate this season through both truth and grace, with our voice and our vote.

With Grace,

Shannon Chapman 


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