Yo Money, A.K.A. Biblical Stewardship

Hey, City Church Family!

Happy Monday!  After yesterday’s message, I wanted to follow up with an email for those who may have missed it.  Yesterday, I preached a message in our series, “Make it Count,” and I talked about Yo Money, A.K.A. Biblical Stewardship.  You can watch it here if you missed it: https://subsplash.com/citychurchchattanooga/sermons/mi/+29tkwnj

One of the things I emphasized yesterday is that the starting point for generosity is the heart.  We talked through Mark 12 where Jesus taught about the widow whose gift was considered more than all the other gifts because she gave from a generous place.  Then, we were all challenged to embrace the blessing that is found in giving. There is a very clear blessing connected to the principle of tithing:

  • Tithing provides for God’s work to continue through His church.

  • Tithing teaches us to put God first in every other area of our lives.

  • Tithing increases our faith in God.

Then, we took time to address one of the hot topic issues with giving.  We talked head on about whether or not tithing and generosity are Old Testament principles or New Testament principles.  The conclusion is clear that in the New Testament, we are called to maximum liberality, not just the standard of tithing that was found in the Old Testament.  The model in the New Testament is to give above and beyond which flows from your heart.

Like I said yesterday, I am so grateful for a church that is willing to address hard issues and grow in the grace of giving.  I want to ask everyone to take a STEP in giving. Start somewhere so that your community of faith can continue in its ministry to make disciples who make a difference.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor SC


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